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November 5, 2013 Press Release - U.S. Patent 8,574,223 issued protecting a Method of Collecting and In Situ Processing of Tissue Sampled from Human Patients During Aspiration Operations.  

The patent describes a method and device that allows collection of processing of fat in isolated samples for analysis or autografting.  

The clinical significance of this patent is that it facilitates and teaches the sampling of  fat to ascertain the location and collections of fat which are the most noxious, specifically those that are producing the cytokines or cellular hormones which are responsible for metabolic syndrome and the morbidities associated with obesity.    

There is a vastly different metabolic significance of fat with the different body compartments, with visceral fat being the most hazardous, probably because of its drainage into the portal circulation.  Fat in different locations within each compartment is likely to vary in metabolic significance as well.   It is logical to adopt a "worst first" fat removal sequence to maximize any potential health benefits.




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Last modified: November 07, 2013