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February 1, 2013 - BioSculpture Technology receives notice of allowance of  U.S. Patent 8,465,471 B2 teaching an "Endoscopically-guided electro-cauterizing power-assisted fat aspiration system for aspirating visceral fat tissue within the abdomen of a patient."

This is an important patent with device claims protecting an aspiration system designed for the safe, laparoscopic removal of visceral or "belly" fat within the abdomen.  That fat is a noxious hormone factory which secretes cytokines responsible for metabolic syndrome and type 2 Diabetes mellitus.  Those cytokines cause hypertension, hunger, elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance, a lowered metabolic rate, inflammation, and promote heart attacks, strokes, and cancers.  This buttresses the method and device claims of BST's earlier U.S. Patent 8,348,929 B2 which issued on January 8, 2013.

Allowing safe, laparoscopic  removal of that metabolically active and harmful fat within the abdomen as a minimally invasive procedure without requiring an intestinal bypass, cutting into or stabling the stomach or bowel, or leaving behind a foreign body as conventional bariatric surgical methods entails offers a potentially better alternative to the estimated 345 Million frankly obese patients (those with basal metabolic indices above 30) about the globe and perhaps some of the estimated one Billion overweight patients as well.



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Last modified: September 04, 2013